Solutions Dialogue: Advancing 1.5 C-aligned investable NDCs and integrated energy plans

In partnership with Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA).

September 23, 2024


In 2025, all countries need to put forward new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which are critical opportunity to accelerate the energy transition globally in line with the 1.5°C goal. The new NDCs must be underpinned by ambitious new commitments to triple renewables, double energy efficiency, and transition away from fossil fuels, including coal in power systems. Energy targets along these lines provide a signal and a planning horizon for all relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, by developing NDCs that include a pipeline of investable projects, governments create a platform for the private and public sector to actively participate in achievement of the climate goals.

During this event, leaders from national governments, industry, the finance sector, and civil society will provide their recommendations on how to collaborate in the design of ambitious, 1.5-aligned, investable NDCs.

This roundtable is in partnership with the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), and is also part of a series of Solutions Dialogues that are being convened by the PPCA Co-Chairs, the United Kingdom and Canada, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. These Dialogues bring together various stakeholders and decision-makers to gain insights and support they need to overcome challenges in raising ambition and accelerating the energy transition to keep 1.5°C within reach.
